
The response to a sedentary modern life, and the resulting back pain and other afflictions.

The afflictions caused by inactive, desk bound sitting, the lower back pain and other disorders are due to lack of sufficient movement as experienced in the modern lifestyle.

In the past decade, what emerges from various surveys on the characteristics of organizations, is that many companies have become more aware oftheir human capital. Those responsible for human resources and the welfare of their employees in these organization, have proclaimed that Human Capital is integral to the policy of social responsibility and social commitment towards the organization’s employees. There is no doubt that today attention is being paid to workers and their families, to the humane experience at work. Health and the quality of life of the employees has become a mutual contribution which is beneficial and profitable for the companies.

With this view in mind, and in light of actual experience and knowledge, Respine4uwhich was developed to reduce pain, pressure on the nerves and as a result, achieves empowerment of the natural healing abilities of the body  – offers great value and contribution to the profitability of companies, by preventing damages caused by ongoing pain such as general back pain, lower back pain, neck pain, pelvic pain and headaches.

The innovative approach of Respine4u is the combination of knowledge and a unique product, integration of principles taken from a number of therapeutic methods such as Chiropractic, brain research and neurological functions, human behavior and the innovations in the concept of releasing stress and pressure from the body, the spine and the nervous system.


Video on the purpose of Respine4u


In order to demonstrate the ability of the body to activate a reverse mechanism that heals the body naturally, Yossi Shimon attests to his returning to full functionality after about 15 years of suffering.


As in most organizations, the majority of business is managed through long hours of sitting and lack of sufficient motion. This is a critical topic in the context of a healthy life expectancy.  For example – a study conducted over 21 years, with 128,000 people, discovered that long hours of sitting and lack of sufficient movement of the body, is a problem that is connected today to the danger of  14 fatal illnesses including cancer, strokes,  kidney failure, respiratory diseases, ulcers, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, and metabolic syndromes including elevated blood fates, diabetes, cholesterol …. An extremely worrying list.


Sitting tied to Risk of Death from 14 Diseases

The stress caused by sitting:

  1. Losing the balance of symmetric posture – for example as a result of sitting, pressure is generated on the pelvis and the spine; lack of sufficient movement and or physical activity.
  2. Compression of the vertebrae which press on the disks between them, especially the lower back L4-L5.
  3. Superficial inefficient breathing as a result of sitting in front of screens, a defective posture for both the chest and the diaphragm, drooping the shoulders and the neck forward.
  4. Being in a state of continued emotional stress for most of the day, and most of it in a sitting position in front of the computer and other screens that provide a constant flow of information and distractions.
  5. Defective eating habits, a range of nutrition deficiencies and excessive quantities that cause defective functioning of the digestion and as a result – impairment and a decline in the immune system’s functionality, failure to absorb nutrition – and the nutrients required to build the body (proteins, carbs and fats), fibers and the balance of minerals, vitamins, and essential digestive enzymes.

And while it is very hard to change this lifestyle and its typical characteristics, the damage can be limited, and its impact reduced by strengthening the connection between the brain and the body and enhancing the body’s and the brain’s ability to adapt the brain to the body and to heal it naturally as far as possible.

As stated, long-term sitting at work is a significant factor contributing to the development of chronic diseases according to James Levine, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic. Most of these diseases including obesity, are a result of accumulated stress on the body over time. It is therefore highly important to find ways to release the accrued stress and pressure.

Value to the organization and the employees

  1. Saving on costs, reduction and prevention of loss of product value, by reducing sick leave and less limitations of work ability
  2. The workers’ health, a direct contribution to the quality of life and the ability to function at work, in the family, in society, and improved learning abilities, concentration and development – realizing the full potential on an individual and organizational level.
  3. Prevention of deterioration through maintenance and improvement – going from a situation of resolving emergencies, when it’s no longer bearable, to a situation of ongoing awareness and preventive care.

On an organizational level, for example, Respine4uand this approach, provide an accessible and practical solution, offering value and a huge contribution to the bottom line of profit, especially in light of the increased costs to organizations, society, and the individual in the market.

US data and facts likely reflect what is happening in the modern world in general – a lot of other data can be found in the article The Burden of Musculoskeletal Diseases in the United States.

For example, for each of the years 2013 and 2015, the annual average of close to 29% of the US population above 18 years of age, reported lower back pain during the last three months. Amongst those who reported lower back pain, one in three (35.7%) suffered from pain that projected to their legs. About a third of the people who reported lower back pain, also reported experiencing neck pain.  Low back pain was reported in higher percentage by women (30.5%) than men (26.4%). The highest percentage of lower back pain was reported for both genders in the age group of 45-64 (33.3%).

An example of worrying findings, and their impact on the status of various spinal ailments:


If you have come this far in the article, and you are personally interested in what is stated, or if you are a decision maker in your organization, this is the perfect time to leave your details.

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We will be pleased to demonstrate Respine4uand offer extensive professional replies to additional questions you may have.

More about sitting and long term sitting in particular

The purpose of this article is to raise awareness and explain the problem and the reasons for the problem and discuss what is required to be done.

The problem stems from the fact modern life is continuously demanding – we will continue to sit for long hours at work, at home, in traffic and in our leisure time. But what we can change, is our response to the negative impact of this lifestyle on our health; we can give ourselves back the control … or more precisely, give control to our brain over our body.

What really happens to our body? With this lifestyle, the physical, chemical and emotional stress accumulate, impact the functions of the brain, the spine and the nervous system throughout the body.  Pressure on the body requires continual awareness, particularly of what is happening in a static situations with the lack of sufficient movement.

What is long-term sitting? The sedentary, static situation of being on our backside more than an hour or an hour and a half!?  It depends who you ask, but it doesn’t really matter. Continuous sitting is bad for our health short-term and long-term since it generates a static situation of lack of motion of the body and in the body.

When most of the hours of the day are static, the body doesn’t get enough movement and a number of systems may have deficient or just partial functionality, declining a little every day, each day starting off a little worse than the day before.

It is important to understand that immobility leads to compromise of the brain’s ability to manage the body, to a compromise of the symmetry of the body and as a result, to malfunctioning of certain body systems. The brain does broadcast pain and discomfort and even if it doesn’t, this state is the basis for development of diseases that are often discovered with surprise: suddenly I find out I have a problem in my test results, something or other the requires immediate treatment.


Sitting actually shortens our active, healthy life. According to a scientific study, sitting is related to the development of 14 chronic diseases and some say even more. But what about the quality of life, can we limit or reduce the damage from sitting? The answer is yes, move, get mobile, activate the body systems smartly, and not just by releasing physical pressure. Pay attention to the posture of the body, without compromising on symmetry, straight posture, physical activity and mobility, moving and mainly relaxing, resting, breathing and meditating.

Until you actually think about it, it seems to us that sitting is all about our “seat” if we look at all the special chairs that are on sale for a range of prices. We think that if our butt is comfortable, then everything is fine. The bad news is that sitting is all about the brain and the entire body.

We’ll start with where there is physical pressure  – first of all the buttocks are connected to the pelvis, the buttocks muscles, the pelvic joints, the front pelvic joint, applying pressure to the muscles at the back of our thighs; let’s talk about the neutralized movement and reduction of the load from the knees and the legs which are designed for walking. Oh and by the way, these were developed millions of years ago, so why on earth did we decide to go with the “upgrade” of comfortable chairs (comfortable for whom? ) on wheels that disrupt the posture? Add to that a wide choice of pampering innovations on them, with the price of your health attached …

Let’s quickly climb up from the buttocks, to note the upward pressure and the tension that is generated by the buttocks and thigh muscles on the lower back, without synchronization and balance with the pelvic tissue…. Pressure on the spine, on the vertebrae and the disks between them, on the tailbone; how we lean left or right, forward and back in our discomfort (and of course diagonally too) and we bend our shoulders forward, breathe shallow breaths with our neck bent forward for an unreasonable length of time.

Our behavior mainly upgrades the discomfort, a really aggravated movement in the chair. Crossing legs knocks the pelvis off balance. Have you ever thought that fact that we don’t find ourselves in a chair with our name, because our natural place just isn’t on one.

Natural sitting just isn’t natural. It stresses us out with the lack of action, lack of motion: if you look back 100 years or so, most people were not sitting during most of their active hours….

This stress, and the thought that sitting is harming us even more, simply because it is part of our lifestyle’s constraints, this is our livelihood, this is our way of moving from place to place, and this is how we meet people and talk, sitting; that is what our leisure culture looks like.

The common denominator, and the solution to the impact described above is the brain, which manages the body and its functions.


We will now talk about how the various systems of the body perceive the problem which causes chronic diseases, and a little about what can be done about it.

Our body is a holistic system, a kind of puzzle, but it is well organized in structure and its processes and is not spread in separate sections nor are its parts connected randomly.

What can we do about the problem that causes chronic disease as a result of sitting?

Our premise is that if we are alive, we were born, grew up and our body renewed itself and knew how to heal itself naturally, without external intervention. Our body has internal intelligence, the knowledge to sustain itself. Disease develops in the body for various reasons, but why from sitting?  That is related to the pressure on the nervous system, which conveys information to the brain in order for the brain to give instructions on how to manage the body for it to continue to survive.  When there is interference to the brain’s ability to manage the body and monitor it, dysfunctionality of the organs starts and develops what become diseases.


So then, if you have sat for a while and thought a lot about the impact of pressure on the body as a result of sitting, it affects not just all parts of the body, but also the interaction between them and their functions.

The main system is the central nervous system: the brain, the spinal cord – the nerves spread throughout the body. The brain cannot send down the right orders to the body when the information is not reaching it. Compare this to the electrical network in your home. The spine is the electrical circuit box, and this is the unit that manages all the electricity, as does the brain.

If there is pressure on the vertebrae and the disks between them, pressure on the nerves of the spinal cord, it is like the switches being disconnected in the electrical box. Switches that need to be lifted to the ON status in order to remove the pressure. There are many ways of releasing pressure from the body, whether it is an activity such as walking, various types of gym, breathing, mediation, various alternative therapies- such as Chiropractic, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, massage, acupuncture, reflexology – most types of therapy apply a certain about of strength when touching the body.

The third possibility and the less advisable one, occurs when the pressure causes mechanical and functional problems, and then this involves injections, surgery of various kinds and in particular to the spine, the knees or the hips, the elbows or the wristand so on.

One of the most harmful things to do is to ignore everything; ignoring the symptoms and making do with eliminating the awareness of pain in the brain, for example by taking pain killers. This is clearly not advisable.

So, what can we do? There are three levels of treating these pressures.

  • Conventional medicine – diagnoses disease and illness and heals it using various methods including medication against inflammation, injections and surgery.
  • Alternative therapy – releasing the pressure in various ways; the main and leading specialization is chiropractic treatment, which is focused on treating the spine and the rest of the body and generating the conditions that enable the body to heal itself.
  • Treating ourselves – the ability to understand and respond. It begins with awareness of our body, listening to the body, paying attention to it and not ignoring the symptoms. Our intelligence, our understanding of what is happening as a result of our lifestyle. Awareness of our body – awareness of the signs that indicate pressure or the reasons, the events and the actions that might be causing accumulation of the three types of pressure – physical, chemical and emotional (stress).

The key to self-care is in the connection between our innate intelligence and that which we accumulate knowingly through awareness. This combination can advance the release of accumulated pressure. Our self-care is a response and a solution to all three types of stress and pressure; the combination of making the body move, the right kind of nutrition, the right kind of rest, and management of emotions and thoughts, can all be the basis for a positive change in our health.


Our method is based on four principles:

  1. Accumulating of pressure is a process. The body knows how to release it in a reverse process, given the appropriate conditions of simultaneous relaxation, relief and release of all systems.
  2. A preventive approach that entails involving all physical activities, nutrition and positive thinking and most importantly knowing that the brain and the body have the ability and the flexibility to adapt to changes and the ability to heal naturally given these appropriate conditions.
  3. Attention must be paid to the body and its response, though we know that the brain can manage the body well, it can only respond to the constraints of the reality in which we live – if we sit for long hours and function under constraints, when the brain is not forewarned of the lifestyle we are planning, in order to impact the body. Therefore, it is important to take the opportunity of doing everything we can to be fully aware of what the body is doing.
  4. The brain can identify accumulation of stress in the nervous system and it conveys this to us by means of a sophisticated warning mechanism, one aspect of which is the appearance of pain or discomfort – due to situations of pressure. All the aches we feel are produced in the brain and it is very important to respond to these warnings.

We will go so far as to say that it is less important what treatment we choose, since after all it isn’t the treatment that heals our body, it is the brain and the body that heal us. Treatment is just the initial stage in the process whereby the brain understands that a change has occurred.  This enables us to continue from the point where the treatment left off, the process that improves the connection of the brain – nervous system – body in order to continue the natural healing and generate new connections (neuroplasticity) in the brain for the benefit of healthier functional habits.

Health is natural, it is important to maintain it by following everything carefully, but when there is a disruption, it is necessary for the body to have the appropriate conditions for healing itself naturally; never ignore the symptoms that indicate that it is time to act.


The information provided here by the Daily Backup Company Ltd., the convenience product manufacturer of Respine4u, developed for home use according to the general [holistic] concept of chiropractic, is provided for educational, entertainment, enrichment, purely for knowledge and information sharing purposes.

This information does not substitute professional advice and / or treatment of any kind. Daily Backup Company Inc. takes no responsibility for the use or non-use of this information. 

Although the information is based on the videos of Haavik Research Limited and is intended to encourage you to be aware of your health in general but with regards to your health, your lifestyle, self-learning and research characteristics, your health care should be based on collaboration with professionals.

This article is based on information from Haavik Research Limited

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פטור/הגבלת אחריות:

ה־Respine4u הינו מוצר נוחות ואינו מוצר רפואי ואינו מיועד לטיפול רפואי ועל כן, אם וככל והנך סובל מבעיה רפואית כלשהי, הרי שהנך נדרש להתייעץ עם הרופא המטפל טרם השימוש במוצר.

מובהר בזאת כי החברה לא תהיה אחראית ולא תכסה עלות כל נזק ישיר או עקיף שנגרמו/ייגרמו למשתמש עקב השימוש ב־Respine4u. נציגי החברה אינם מעניקים כל ייעוץ רפואי בנוגע לשימוש במוצר ועל כן אם וככל שהמשתמש זקוק לאישור רפואי לשימוש במוצר, הרי שקבלת אישור זה תהא באחריותו הבלעדית. לתשומת לב המשתמש, השימוש במזרן עלול לגרום לעיתים לתחושת אי נעימות ו/או בחילה ו/או הרגשת סחרחורת קלה.