Respine4u during pregnancy
Dr. Mendy: “We spent days and nights understanding and planning the product which was still nonexistent. Ronen analyzed the structure of the chiropractic adjustment tables, and he learned from me about the important features that were necessary for the product.
Regarding the changes of body structure in pregnant women, it was important that the product be in use for the entire pregnancy till birth. We weren’t yet aware of the importance that Respine4u would have for post-natal women.”
It is recommended for pregnant women, even in their ninth month, and for anyone who respects and appreciates their body, and wants to take care of it for long term. Daily use of Respine4u assists in sustaining, rehabilitating and maintaining the health of the spine.
During pregnancy for example, the body changes every day, weight increases, and the body gets organized to make space for the fetus to grow while hormonal activity relaxes the tendons, ligaments and muscles. All this causes imbalance and disturbance to the stability of the spine and the pelvis. Movement in the vertebrae and discs causes pressure on the soft tissue and the nerves. This pressure can be expressed, amongst other ways, in inflammation, impairment of the nervous systems and the brain’s management of the body. As a result, there is often a feeling of discomfort, tiredness, pain and exhaustion, emotional stress. By lying on Respine4u we release the pressure from the back and enable the vertebrae to relax and increase the space between them back to their natural position.
Daily use of Respine4u can alleviate discomfort and pain and assist in the prevention of future accrued damage.
The Advantages of Respine4u For Pregnant Women
Link to a related post

Prevents buildup of damage
Prevents buildup of damage

Helps restore the body
Helps restore the body

Relieves pain
Relieves pain

Makes the digestive system more efficient
Makes the digestive system more efficient

Assists in relief of emotional stress
Assists in relief of emotional stress

Assists in the effective functioning of the immune system
Assists in the effective functioning of the immune system

Assists in relaxing muscles after physical effort
Assists in relaxing muscles after physical effort

Can alleviate Edema and Varicose Veins
Can alleviate Edema and Varicose Veins

Can assist in some cases of Fibromyalgia
Can assist in some cases of Fibromyalgia

Can assist in natural recovery from protruding or bulged discs
Can assist in natural recovery from protruding or bulged discs
Respine4u User Instructions
Before using Respine4u, it is recommended to place it in the middle of the bed you sleep on, for maximum safety during use.
Once it is in place, lie on it as follows:
- The thighs and feet are on the bed not on the Respine4u. Only the pelvis is placed on the back end of the product.
- The stomach and chest are on the central section and the head is between the two front cushion sections, in the space that is designated for it.
- You can support the thighs and feet with a cushion in order to reduce pressure on the knees and toes.
It is recommended to place the hands on the two sides of the mattress so that they are slightly forward, as is comfortable. That way you open up of the chest and push the shoulders back.

Resting at the end of the day
Daily use is highly recommended as close as possible to going to sleep at night. This provides the physical and emotional relaxation, and release of the back, and will lead to a good and effective night’s sleep with less stress on the body frame and nerves. It is possible, and even recommended to start the night’s sleep on Respine4u and then continue your regular sleep on the bed. Sleep that begins on Respine4u ensures your night sleep is more efficient, calming and probably significantly more uninterrupted. This is important because it allows the brain to more easily heal the body as part of the achievement gained by every use of Respine4u.

Afternoon Nap
You can use Respine4u as part of your daily schedule by adding an afternoon rest or a quick replacement for it, that relaxes you if you don’t have the kind of lifestyle that lets you take a full rest. Thanks to stomach breathing, half an hour’s rest on Respine4u can provide you with the same amount of energy that 2-3 hours of sleep would give you. In cases of extreme exhaustion, you can also begin your rest on Respine4u and then carry on to your normal sleep.

After Exercise
Because of the release of tension in the muscles, reduction of stress from the nervous system and refreshing energy that short use of Respine4u provides, it is recommended to use it for a short rest after every exercise, training session or any physical strain. Use of Respine4u will relax the muscles and return the body to a state of relaxation and release, with balanced tension in the muscles and a return to the symmetric posture and general calm.

Meditation and continuous deep and effective sleep
Respine4u can be used for the purpose of relaxing, meditating and improving the quality of undisturbed, efficient and deep sleep. The mattress is designed so that the user breathes to the stomach, reduces and redistributes the load of weight of the stomach and chest, and allows relaxation and rest for the back and the body systems. People who suffer from back ache, people who use meditative breathing or people who find it hard to reach a state of conscious relaxation while sitting straight up, will find that Respine4u is the ultimate practical solution for your needs.